Holiday house prices

Holidayhouse at 40 m2 with small bedrooms, bathroom, small kitchen and livingroom. The hpuse is situated next to the camp ground, and out gusts in the holiday house can use all the facilities at the camp ground


Highseason: 12.  July – 16. August. 
Midseason: 28. June – 12. July & 16. August – 30. August. 
Spring and fall:  28. Marts – 28. June & 30. August – 19. October.

Highseason: 5.500 DKK

Midseason: 4.500 DKK

Spring/fall: 2.500 DKK

More informations, please call +45 30661513 ore write

Nysted Strand Camping – among the top 10 campsites in Denmark, according to guest ratings.